Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Windows 7 Finally

After countless hours of downloading and troubleshooting, I finally got Windows 7 installed and working. I ended up installing it on my dad's 5 year old Dell laptop. At first use, I really like it. Of course I'm one of the few who actually likes Vista. One of the features that I think has the most potential is the Gadgets on the desktop. This to me seems like a way to make the computer desktop function more like an Iphone. Hopefully no lawsuits will be filed. The only unfortunate thing is that Microsoft only offered the $50 upgrade for a limited time and I missed it. I'm hoping that they offer it one more time.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The digital mixing conversion

A few weeks ago I had my first opportunity to mix sound on my church's new digital mixing console. The DigiDesign SC48 is quite a powerful tool and a much needed upgrade from our old analog console. The console has so many tools that it's easy to get overwhelmed with options. It took quite a bit more mental energy for me to get used to this new tool. Included is a video I took of the board in a demo mode. I added some ambient music that I composed many years ago for your listening pleasure.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dumping my Bluetooth headset

This Tuesday morning, I found myself at the hospital to get some testing done on my 8 week old daughter. She had been sick all weekend and she did not have any of the typical symptoms. The testing took 3 hours, so to pass the time I went to seek out a snack. The cafe had individual bundt cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes . Since it was still breakfast time, I decided to be healthy and buy the cinnamon swirl flavor instead of chocolate. On my way out, I discovered some trash in my sweatshirt pocket. I reached in and threw the trash along with my Bluetooth headset away. I should of known something was up, because just as I was about to exit the cafe, an alarm went off. The alarm triggered the doors to automaticly close. I was thinking, "Shouldn't we evacuate the building?" But everyone was just sitting around like normal. The cashier pushed the door open for me and said that I could go ahead back upstairs. Once back upstairs I found a staff person blocking my way back. Once we got the all clear, I returned to my wife and daughter. This is when I realized that my headset was missing. So, I made my way back to the cafe and pulled out my phone to see if I could sync to my headset. Sure enough I was able to pick up the signal. Now came the fun of digging through the trash to find it. Thanks to the help of my wife we were able to retrieve the headset. It's a good thing I did get the headset back, because it just happened to be the day our local law inforcement had their hands free crackdown day. They issued over 600 tickets for driving while holding the phone. Oh and my daughter tests came back normal and she seems to be healthy.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rethinking a career in installing (digital) wallpaper

A customer of mine showed me this video of the future of home TVs. Forget about LCD's vs. Plasmas. Here's a TV that's the size of your entire wall. By the way, it's not just a TV but an entire multimedia, interactive, touch sensitive, display with the thickness of a piece of paper. Even though it won't be available for quite some time, I want one now. The only problem I see with it is that you have to get up from the couch to use it.