Yesterday I sat through a manufacturer training. The bulk of the class dealt with the latest technology and how it will impact the way I design systems. What use to be fairly straight forward for me has now become complex. So I thought I'd take a minute to describe the nightmare of various video connectors we have to now deal with in plain speak. I'll stick to consumer connections and fore go the pro ones for now.
F-connector: the connector on the end of the cable coming out of the wall for your cable.
Yellow RCA- composite video: the connector you use to use for your VCR.
S-video aka 4 pin mini din: this is a step up in quality from composite, but the connector always falls out of the device.
Red, green, & blue 3 RCA - component video: this is the connection you should use for older DVD players. The standards and resolutions are too vast to list in this post.
VGA: This is the multi-pin connector on most laptops, computers, and displays.
DVI: This is on newer computers and displays. Unfortunately there are 3 versions of this connector and they aren't all compatible.
HDMI: This is what my wife calls the "flat connector". It is found on all new HDTV's and DVD players. This has enough standards to fill a book.
Display Port: Thank you Apple and Dell for adapting yet another connector.
Has this gotten confusing yet? I hope this deciphers the video connector mess.
Working the Phone
When I was a kid, one of my least favorite activities was trying to sell
things going door to door. Whether I was trying to get sponsors for the
9 years ago
say what??? I can't even connect what I have now...Help!