Flying car now a reality?
The other futuristic invention I'm excited about is wireless power (even though the concept has been around since 1820). I work with a lot of various wireless products in my field. My colleagues and I often joke about having wireless power. This joke stems from clients requesting us to put electronic devices in areas where there is no power and no easy way to have it installed. There are now a number of companies working on real wireless power. The process they use is called induction. Which basically is using magnetic fields. Here's the wiki if you want the scientific explanation:
Our society is ever increasing the amount of electronic gizmo's that either need to be plugged in to work or plugged in to be recharged. On a daily basis I need to recharge my ipod, blue tooth headset, and two cell phones. Imagine not having to ever plug these devices in. Just set them near the electromagnetic field and they recharge. Or imagine having a blender in the kitchen without a power cord. You just set the blender in the field and it works. Check out the video.
Now I just need to figure out how to install conveyor belts into my house and find a place to purchase a robot maid named Rosie.