Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Liquid HD

I recently found out about an upcoming technology that promises to simplify the interconnectivity, control, and distribution of home electronics. It's called Liquid HD (http://www.liquidhd.com/) and is being developed by a local company called Silicon Image. Now I know some of you are hoping that this is a box that liquefies any electronic device that you are frustrated with. While others may think it's marketing hype for a high definition energy drink. (the term high definition is becoming way too overused). What it actually is, is a technology that connects various electronic devices, such as TVs, DVD players, and game consoles together through a network. Once connected, any device can be used anywhere on the network. An example would be that you could use you kids' Nintendo Wii ,which may be located in their bedroom, on the living room TV, while someone else uses the living room satellite receiver to watch TV on the built-in screen on the outside of the refrigerator door. Also, remote control signals travel through the network to control whatever device is being used. If this technology works it should make every one's lives easier. I just wish I knew it was available before I spent a couple of days crawling under the house running cables from my computer to my TV.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hospital wifi and child birth

Tonight my wife and I went on a hospital tour to prepare for our second child. I was glad to hear the woman leading the tour highlight the fact that the hospital does have wifi. I bring this up because a lot seems to have changed as far as peoples' views regarding technology involved with momentous events in life. Three years ago I was on a hospital tour before the birth of my son. On this tour I asked if the hospital had wifi. I was instantly scorned by everyone else on the tour, except for my wonderful wife. The other people on the tour thought,"How dare you think of even touching a computer at any point during the three to four day hospital stay for child birth!" For some reason this backward thinking group didn't see how technology can help them instantly share this moment with friends and family. So I was relieved that the tour guide highlighted the wifi access and was amazed that this time no one batted an eye. As for me I brought my iPod to test the access at the hospital. This time around I have even more tools like Twitter and Facebook to share this incredible event.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

To twit or not to twit

After taking a week off to celebrate my wife's birthday, I'm pondering the relevance of Twitter. About a month ago I decided to join twitter out of curiosity. Initially I did not see the point or understand the premise of Twitter. After all I reluctantly joined the Facebook cult and have since indoctrinated others to join. Twitter is just one of those things you have to try to understand. My best definition is a social networking, micro-blogging site, that allows you to follow anyone else who is on Twitter including actors, sports figures, musicians, politicians, and companies. At first it feels a little strange having a window into the daily lives of famous people. You find yourself thinking, "Should I really know what this actor had for lunch or that they just used the bathroom?" For the most part the people I follow have pretty witty post and that makes them seem a little more normal. Some tech savvy people I know have even figured out how to link their post to go to all of the social networking sites that they are a part of. In the city where I live, Twitter recently saved the life of a woman contemplating suicide. She posted a tweet to actress Demi Moore about what she was considering. Luckily people were able to intervene and she got the help she needed. So go on give Twitter a try.

As a side note, last week I made a phone call using my iPod through Skype. I just think that is so cool. Geeky, but still cool.